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  • Ilya Sutskever announced his new company, SSI Inc.

Ilya Sutskever announced his new company, SSI Inc.

PLUS: Anatomy-themed living rooms


Good morning, human brains, and welcome back to your daily munch of AI news.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • OpenAI’s co-founder’s new company 👨‍🚀 🚨 

    Ilya Sutskever announced SSI. Its goal is to build “superintelligence.”

  • Anatomy-themed living rooms 🩻 🦶

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OpenAI’s co-founder’s new company 🤖 🎥

On Wednesday, Ilya Sutskever announced his new company, SSI Inc. The goal is to build “safe superintelligence.”

Who is Ilya Sutskever?

OpenAI’s Co-founder and Chief Scientist. He recently left the company under bizarre circumstances. Click here for more info.

What’s the new company?

It claims to be a “straight-shot superintelligence lab.” Its goal is to build a safe, groundbreaking AI system.

"This company is special in that its first product will be the safe superintelligence, and it will not do anything else up until then. It will be fully insulated from the outside pressures of having to deal with a large and complicated product and having to be stuck in a competitive rat race."

— Ilya Sutskever

Who else in it?

Daniel Gross (Apple’s former AI lead) and Daniel Levy (former OpenAI researcher).

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Think Pieces 🧠

AI tennis players' emotions. KIT’s model identified emotions from the players’ body language with 68.9% accuracy, outperforming humans.

Startup News 💰

Sierra unveiled TAU-bench. It’s a new benchmark for testing AI agents on complex, realistic tasks involving multi-turn conversations.

Research 👨‍🔬

Prism — a framework that decouples perception and reasoning in vision-language models (VLMs).

PIN — (Paired and INterleaved multimodal documents) is a new dataset format designed to improve the training of large multimodal models.


Here’s Ophelia. 🐶

“This is our office dog, Ophelia. She has zero concept of personal space, and we're all okay with it.” ❤️

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Until next time 🤖😋🧠 

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